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Sunday 23 March 2014

The Truth About The UK Fat Tax

In this episode I explore the proposal for a UK “fat tax”, which would increase prices on fatty, sugary and “unhealthy” food and drink products, to discourage their purchase. Is there any scientific evidence that proves taxing food improves health? Is it about taking the burden off the NHS, or a more cynical austerity measure mirroring alcohol and cigarettes, which people still fork out for the privilege of using? Does the Government even have the right to manipulate what free human beings do with their bodies?

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Friday 14 March 2014

Satanic Panic In The Alternative Media

In this episode I explore the concept of Satanism and “Satanic Ritual Abuse” as promoted by elements of the alternative media. I revisit the Hollie Greig Hoax and it’s connection to a Christian lobby group, and a dubious psychotherapist who may be encouraging satanic delusions in her patients. She also started the rumors that Jimmy Savile was a satanist. I look at examples of Satanic Panic from the 90s in the US and UK, and a book published in 1980 – Michelle Remembers – that seems to have birthed the ritual abuse concept. I also recap the Albert Pike 3 World Wars Letter hoax and offer opinions on the supposed “Illuminati Music Industry”, MKUltra and other related topics.

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